Session One:

-Open small group discussion with prayer.

-Choosing one Beatitude at a time, reflect with your group on how each of the Beatitudes has a right-now and future promise.

-Before moving to the next Beatitude, share some practical applications of your new understanding of the verse. What is something you can do today, tomorrow, or this week to embody each one? Using discretion and avoiding gossip, give real life examples when possible.  


Session Two:

-Open small group discussion with prayer.

-Discuss practical ways to be salt (wound care, soil fertilizer, flavoring agent, preservative) and light (public and private).

-Pair these practical applications with your session one understanding of the Beatitudes by reading each Beatitude and applying the real-world behaviors that become salt and light to our culture and community. Try to dig in to the ways that each of the Beatitudes should apply to all Christians all the time.